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Adding scientific-thinking practice to exercises & activities

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Latest Update:  September 2024

A practical, everyday form of scientific thinking is one of the most useful things you can teach your learners. It equips them for *their* lives. Since we don't know what the future will bring we can't teach them solutions to goals, obstacles, and problems we haven't even seen yet!
This short guide gives you a practice routine you can add to many activities right away. It's the easiest way to get started. Click on the image to download the .pdf file.

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The popular 50-minute KiC-1 exercise (or "puzzle exercise") is a fun, hands-on way to introduce the scientific Improvement Kata pattern to your classroom. After you do KiC-1 you can add the four-step IK pattern to all sorts of activities.

Everything you need is under the "KiC-1" menu on this website.

Latest Update:  September 2022

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The supplementary KiC-2 exercise (or "catapult exercise") is about practice using run charts to collect, depict, analyze and interpret data as the learner strives for a goal. Data literacy is essential for many jobs and careers, and making run charts is a simple and effective practice activity.

Everything you need is under the "KiC-2" menu on this website.

Latest Update:  September 2022

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